Tomorrow is my oldest daughters first day of school, she will be entering Kindergarten. It's a very exciting time for the whole family but it also brings to light how scattered our weekly routine is. I thought I had dinner, bath time and the morning routine pretty mastered. Now I realize with new school start times, bus schedules, packing lunches etc, we will have to come up with a new schedule and new organization. Does this sound like you? I've compiled a handful of tips I plan to use for our new school year.
1. Have a designated place for backpacks, coats and shoes.
2. Layout clothes the night before.
3. Meal plan
4. Have designated bath nights
5. Set the child's bed time back by a half an hour.
6. Communicate.
7. Share tasks with your spouse or partner.
8. Have a back up plan.
9. Check your child's back pack every night.
10. Have fun with it.